Chork's Puzzle 43
Previous hanjies: Puzzle 09 | Puzzle 16
Hanjie is a fascinating Japanese picture puzzle. Each puzzle consist of a grid of empty white squares. At the bottom and right hand side of each puzzle are a set of numbers which dictate how many cells in that row or column must be coloured in. Shading the grid according to this set of numbers will reveal a picture! (:
Now, if the bottom of a column says "5", it means that in that column, 5 consecutive cells are coloured. If a row says "2, 3, 4", it means that in the row, there are 3 discrete sets of cells to be coloured, and each set of cells are 2, 3, 4 cells in length, and in that order. There must be at least one empty cell between each set of cells to distinguish between them (ie the 2, 3, 4 cannot be joined together to form a long 9 cell set).
Using logic, you should be able to deduce which cells in a particular row or column should be coloured in. You may, however, need to use cross referencing with different rows and columns or elimination.
And here's the hanjie for puzzle 43!

What is the hidden picture?
If you know the answer, post it in the comments section of this post.